Cameras for furnaces and high temperature applications
The high temperature cameras are essential for temperature monitoring in places where temperature reaches very high levels. They are very important for the product manufacturing process. Mesurex provides two type of cameras for high temperature measurement: Real Vision Cameras and Thermographic Vision Cameras.
Real Vision
The real vision cameras for high temperatures are essential for a wide variety of industries such as glass, steel, cement or incinerators. The permanent monitoring of a hot zone allows much better control of the process and reduces the environmental burden by minimizing waste. Telea-Tecnovision cameras are the best instrument to carry out the most demanding applications.
Termographic Vision
Based on high resolution thermal cameras and including specific software, ProTIR provides real radiometric images that accurately measure temperature inside furnaces, rotary kilns, coolers, and boilers in steel, mineral, glass, paper, aluminium and power generation industries.